Friday, November 4

beloved Sethumaman is no more. Om Shanti!

Yesterday morning getting a call from a cousin with this very shocking news of our beloved and respected Sethumaman (Amma's elder brother and 2nd Sister-in-law's father) passed away in his sleep. 

He for sure was a blessed person to have had such a dignified end, and another way would have been cruel to his down to earth, caring and loving nature. Jovial with chilling like smile and laughter. He was an ace badminton player and a very tall member in the family, who everyone could look upon to. I have so many fond memories with him and he will never be forgotten.

He was a sports loving person and Sunil Gavaskar was his favorite cricketer, and while he used to visit us in Chennai whenever Gavaskar used to strike a 100, it was a gala celebration at home with chicken and ice cream from Sethumaman. 
He used to also conduct badminton games at Mavillai house with lots of prices and gifts.

So many such memories, immense loss to the whole EG family.

My respects to the departed soul. May God give all the courage to Ammai, Rekechi  EdathiJr. and Anithechi for a very big irreplaceable loss.

Pic clicked just a few days back at Edavalam Tharavadu.

clipet from newspaper this morning.

Saturday, June 19

My family pics

These are just a few pics from our trip to Kasargod a few months back. It was such a memorable and lovable trip with some amazing memories. 


Saturday, November 14

Children's day Hindi poem on Jawahar Lal Nehru I Urvi Arun I हिन्दी कविता I श्री जवाहर लाल नेहरू

Urvi is reciting a Hindi poem on Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru for her school's Children's day online program...

14th November...

View this video on Youtube: 

Like and share and if you have not yet subscribed to this channel, then please do this too.

Happy Children's Day

Monday, November 9

Urvi's - 1st interview (Multi-talented Girl From the State of Kerala sharing her story with Hasini)

Premi n I are super happy and proud to share this video of our daughter Urvi's first interview to let the world know about herself.

This is an initiative by Hasini (founder of The First Step)   

Please do view the video, like, and share too,

Youtube link: 

We are so thankful to all who had so much appreciation and well-wishes towards Urvi.

Saturday, September 26

OM Shanti - S P Balasubrahmanyam (1946 - 2020)

MUSIC WAS HIS LIFE       &     
4 June 1946 – 25 September 2020

The singing legend popularly referred to as SPB, with over 40,000 + songs to his credit has departed from this world to be with Gods on 25th Sept'2020. 

He was admitted to the hospital in August 2020 for being Covid-19 positive with his lungs being severely affected. Though there were improvements in his health, it got bad on 24th Sept'20 and he breathed last on 25th Sept'20. His body was buried today at his farmhouse outside Chennai with state honors and 24 guns salute.

He was a singer who brought so much emotion to the songs he sang, in a manner transporting the listener to experience the visual essence in mind. He will be missed and is a very big loss to the whole world and to all music lovers.   


Friday, May 17

How a strong and supportive family can make a difference.


There were two extremely talented batsmen from Mumbai. Their coach was Ramakant Achrekar Sir. Both had a brother named Ajit. While one Ajit guided his younger brother in the right direction to give India Sachin Tendulkar, the other Ajit went down and took his brother and his potentially great career down along with him. This is the story of that unfortunate batsman whom Sachin used to address as “Sir”.

He is  *Anil Gurav* and this is his story:

He used to play for the Mumbai U-19 team.
Coach Ramakant Achrekar used to ask youngsters Tendulkar and Kambli to watch Gurav's strokeplay and learn from him.
*He was called the Viv Richards of Mumbai* and everyone thought it would be Gurav who would first go on to play for India.

He says regarding his association with Sachin;
"I was his captain at Sassanian (cricket club). He wanted to use my bat but was too shy to ask me directly. The request came through Ramesh Parab (now international scorer at Wankhede stadium), and I told Sachin he could use it provided he made a big score. He said, 'I will, sir' and went on to score a century with my SG bat."

However he fell a victim to circumstances. His brother Ajit became a sharpshooter of an underworld gang. Police officers used to pick up Gurav and his mother repeatedly and severely beat them up to find out the whereabouts of his brother Ajit, sometimes detaining them for days.

By the time this ordeal ended, Gurav's cricketing career was also over. He took to heavy drinking.

Everything was lost, his career, his dreams, all went up in smoke.

He now lives in a shabby 200 sq.ft room in a slum in Nalasopara, Mumbai.

Gurav says he last met Sachin in the early 1990s at the Islam Gymkhana at Marine Lines, when he saw Sachin getting into his car surrounded by security guys. Sachin saw him and at once recognized him. He called him and spoke for a couple of minutes and asked him to come to his home.

Now while Sachin Tendulkar has become a legend of the Cricket world who went on to achieve everything, Anil Gurav is a 48-year-old incorrigible drunk striving to keep his family together,

Both of them were talented but talent is not the only component.

*This story illustrates how a good family background and support is invaluable, Not everyone is lucky enough to have it. So please appreciate the efforts taken by your family to bring you to the stage you are in your life*🙏


I am so very lucky to have a great family, very supportive and encouraging brothers, parents, Sister-in-law's and Parents-In-Law's. After series of low and failed attempts I see hope and positive with what I am doing now, it is all because of them I am still able to stand up, do what is needed. Thank you family and I am so blessed to be part of you all.

Tuesday, April 30

Just drop the burden! a beautiful story.

*A Crow and Garuda* 🙏
*- "Just Drop"..*

Once a Crow, holding on to a piece of meat was flying to a place to sit & eat.

However, a flock of Eagles were chasing it. The crow was anxious and was flying higher and higher, yet eagles were after the poor crow.

Just then "Garuda" saw the plight and  pain in the eyes of the crow. Coming closer to the crow, he asked:

"What's wrong? You seem to be very "disturbed" and in  "stress"?"..

The crow cried "Look at these eagles!! They are after me to kill me".

Garuda being the bird of wisdom spoke "Oh my friend!! They are not after you to kill you!! They are after that piece of meat that you are holding in your beak". Just drop it and see what will happen.

The crow followed the instructions of Garuda and dropped the piece of meat, and there you go, all the eagles flew towards the falling meat.

Garuda smiled and said "The Pain is only till you hold on to it" Just Drop" it.

The crow just bowed and said "I dropped this piece of meat, now, I can fly even higher.."

There is a message for us from this story too:

1. People carry  the huge burden called "Ego," which creates a false identity about us, that we create for ourselves saying "I need love, I need to be invited, I am so and so.. "etc..." Just Drop ....

2. People get irritated fast by "others actions" it can be my friend, My parent, My children, My colleague, My life partner... and I get the fumes of "anger "..."Just Drop....

3. People compare themselves with others.. in beauty, wealth, life style, marks, talent and appraisals and feel disturbed... We must be grateful with what we have ... comparisons, negative emotions .." Just Drop...

Just drop the burden!

It is this logic, From dust to dust

*That is why in Hindu temples ash vibuthi is given to constantly remind we are nothing but dust.*

*Jai Shri RadheKrishna*

Sunday, July 9

What is 99 Club?

I am sharing a story with a moral to it.

Once upon a time, there lived a King who, despite his luxurious lifestyle, was not happy at all.

One day, the King came upon a servant who was singing happily while he worked. This fascinated the King; Why was he, the Supreme Ruler of the Land, unhappy and gloomy, while a lowly servant had so much joy?

The King asked the servant, 'Why are you so happy?'

The man replied, 'Your Majesty, I am nothing but a servant, but my family and I don't need too much - just a roof over our heads and warm food to fill our tummies.'

The king sought the advice of his most trusted advisor. After hearing the story, the advisor said, 'Your Majesty, the servant has not yet joined "The 99 Club".'

'The 99 Club? And what is that?' the King inquired.

The advisor replied, 'To truly know what The 99 Club is, just place 99 Gold coins in a bag and leave it at this servant's doorstep.'

When the servant saw the bag, he let out a great shout of joy... so many gold coins. He began to count them. After several counts, he was at last convinced that there were only 99 coins.

He wondered, 'What could've happened to that last gold coin? Surely, no one would leave 99 coins!'

He looked everywhere, but that final coin was elusive. Finally he decided that he was going to work harder than ever to earn that 100th gold coin.

From that day, the servant was a changed man. He was overworked, grumpy, and blamed his family for not helping him make that 100th gold coin. 

And he had stopped singing while he worked.

Witnessing this drastic transformation, the King was puzzled. The advisor said, 'Your Majesty, the servant has now officially joined The 99 Club.'  He continued, 'The 99 Club is a name given to those people who have enough to be happy but are never content, because they're always wanting that extra 1, saying to themselves: "Let me get that one final thing and then I will be happy for life."

We can be happy with very little in our lives, but the minute we're given something bigger and better, we want more ...and even more! We lose our sleep, our happiness, as the price for our growing needs and desires.

That's "The 99 Club"...
Zero Membership fee to enter, but you pay for it with your entire life! 😄😄😄