Sunday, March 27

3 Musketeers !!!

3 Musketeers - Pradeep, 'Thale' Aditya and Madhu, somewhere in Malaysia. Posted by Hello

Mayada - Daughter of Iraq (a book by Jean Sasson)

This book depicts the life of Mayada, at the Baladiyat prison near Baghdad. Her encounter with near death and the torture that was commited against the 12 other inmates of Cell # 52.

Mayada hails from a very admired famiy in the whole of the Arab community. Mayada's family had a lot of influence in Saddam Hussin's administration. She has also won many appreciations for the write ups, she had penned for cheildren and also for articles that showed her love for her country - Iraq. Mayada was truely a loyal and lovable daughter of the country who was arrested by the secret police for no wrong doing of hers.

The book brings out both the sides of Saddam as a person and how well a manuplator he was.

The book is worth a reading, if u r interested in real life stories.
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Saturday, March 26

McLaren Mercedes - Worlds fastest car in 2004, competed against Porche, Lamborgini and Ferrari's. The offical award was given by "Overdrive and BBC Motor World" The Uniqueness of the car is that it can come to a complete stop within 60 feet from 310 kmph speed. The manufacturers have used porceline materials for the disc braking system. Posted by Hello

The Passion of the Christ - a movie by Mel Gibson !!!

Last night I watched this movie for the 2nd time.

The movie is about the last twelve hours of Jesus of Nazareth's life. The film opens in the Garden of Olives where Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, and the church guards arrests Jesus and takes him back to within the city walls of Jerusalem where the leaders of the Pharisees confront him with accusations of blasphemy and his trial results in a condemnation to death.

Jesus is brought before Pilate, the Roman Governor of Palestine, who listens to the accusations leveled at him by the Pharisees. Realizing he is confronting a political conflict, Pilate defers to King Herod in the matter. Herod returns Jesus to Pilate who gives the crowd a choice between Jesus and the criminal Barabbas. The crowd chooses to have Barabbas set free and to condemn Jesus.

Jesus is handed over to the Roman soldiers and flagellated. Unrecognizable now, he is brought back before Pilate, who presents him to the crowd as if to say "is this not enough?" It is not. Pilate washes his hands of the entire dilemma, ordering his men to do as the crowd wishes.

Jesus is presented with the cross and is ordered to carry it through the streets of Jerusalem all the way up to Golgotha. On Golgotha, Jesus is nailed to the cross and undergoes his last temptation - the fear that he has been abandoned by his Father. He overcomes his fear, looks at Mary, his Holy Mother, and makes the pronouncement which only she can fully understand, "it is accomplished." He then dies: "into Thy hands I commend my Spirit."

At the moment of his death, nature itself overturns.

The Movie is very powerful and bold to the viewer coz of the graphics and the picturization of events leading to crusification. Piece of advice, pls do not watch incase u cannot see blood and torture.

Friday, March 25

Sacrifice - can this be justified !!!

The concept of Sacrifice, has been in existance from time immemorial. Religious leaders have for a long time have argueed that Sacrifice, delights the god or goddess and there are others who say that gods get the needed power through this action.

But what is disturbing is the fact that god wants his followers, to love the people around them and to ensure that they are loved and cared. The contradicting side is 'God needs sacrifice, either in the form of animal or human to gain strength and power'.

What is it that God really wanted his followers to do? The god men of the past have repeatedly thrust us into believing that Sacrifice is supreme, then how come there are so many other religions that say that Sacrifice is not a good act, but praying to the god with sinceriety and dedication is superior.!!! Does that mean that religion, that is supposed to show how people have to lead their life and how to love others aound them.

I read an article today morning from the book, 'Sharing God's Secrets' by Bakht Singh and then the hearing from the Church, which said that " Christians believe that the death of Jesus was a sacrifice for mankind's sins".

In another article read a few days back, it said "Lord Krishna was telling Arjuna that every person is born to fulfill his karma, but the mode for achieving it has to be decided by the mortal, god on his part gives indications and direction for you to choose the right path, but the decision is left to the mortals', this was told to Arjuna, when he as faced with the situation where he has to kill hs favourite uncle. The lord also said that if one has to achieve overall peace and keep away evil, some drastic measures have to be taken so that the objective is achieved - that is Peace, Truthfullness, Faith in God, Love and care for people around and above all make the people understand that belief in God is the only way one can meet his objectives in life and reach God.

Jesus preached peace and love for all, but he was betrayed and crucified. His cruxification is considered as the supreme sacrifice seeking pardon for the mistakes commited by mankind in accomodating Satan / evil in them.

Jesus's self sacrifice and Lord Krishna's teaching for Arjuna, talks only about crushing the evil, but never they said that others (animal or human) have to be sacrificed to please God. Then Why do we still believe and practice sacrifice???

Saturday, March 19

This is the depiction of Innocence and ... Posted by Hello

'Thale' Aditya and Aysha at Fernwood Posted by Hello

Cake face pack, Aditya's B'day party at Beach Cabana, East Coast. (Cake smearing on the face by Mercy) 17/03/05 Posted by Hello

@ McDonalds, Siglab - East Coast (from L to R - Mercy, Mohamed, Pradeep and Aditya) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 16

@ Mecritchie Reservoir and nature reserve, Singapore Posted by Hello

Aysha and Mercy, near the swimming pool at Fernwood Posted by Hello

Bonny and me at the Fernwood Condo - swimming pool (Thale Aditya stays there). Its at East Coast [Camera handled by Mercy] Posted by Hello