Saturday, November 14

Children's day Hindi poem on Jawahar Lal Nehru I Urvi Arun I हिन्दी कविता I श्री जवाहर लाल नेहरू

Urvi is reciting a Hindi poem on Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru for her school's Children's day online program...

14th November...

View this video on Youtube: 

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Happy Children's Day

Monday, November 9

Urvi's - 1st interview (Multi-talented Girl From the State of Kerala sharing her story with Hasini)

Premi n I are super happy and proud to share this video of our daughter Urvi's first interview to let the world know about herself.

This is an initiative by Hasini (founder of The First Step)   

Please do view the video, like, and share too,

Youtube link: 

We are so thankful to all who had so much appreciation and well-wishes towards Urvi.