Monday, September 19

Me graduating !!!

Mercy and me with Tony (Academic head of Campus) & Dr. David Peat (Academic director - Education)

Me receiving the MBA cert from the Vice Chancellor & President - JCU
My friends and me with Dr. N.R.K.Reddy
74 students including me graduated on the 9th September 2005 at Meritus Mandrin Hotel, Singapore.

It was an awesome experience, as we had to follow through a lot of protocol and tradition, like the procession in and out, waiting for ones turn and also how to collect the cert and how to walk on stage. Over all it was fun.

Also the Uni had published all the names of students, who were graduating in the Home section of The Straits Times news paper dated 9th Sept'05. It felt great to observe the name in the national news paper.

My dedication to JCU Singapore, is through a blog and it can be viewed here.

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