Saturday, January 1

Looking back - 2004 !!!

2004, has passed, making me older by 1 more year, more than that the year has been full of anxiety, surprises and ...

Let me just take a look at the past year...

I have not been to work since November 2003. I had resigned from work to take up studies for bettering my prospects at work and also to enhance my educational profile, which was of no real importance except for the Hotel Management diploma I had secured in 1999.

I have been quite lucky since then, in terms of getting job offers when ever I had wanted and more so when I was really low with job satisfaction. Ashok was there at all times to guide and give me courage. Anyway that was a long time back.

2004 overall has been good for me, got to know many good people,

editing the texts, will be updating shortly. apologies for the inconvenience !!!

  • December
  1. Maintaining the house is a big task. Hands off to all the womenfolk who have the house under their care. The 'Male' catagory of people are really un appreciative of this fact, moreover they always look for a chance to complain. I HAVE LEARNT THE DIFFICULTIES, when Mercy had been to her native place, Hyderabad for a week.
  2. Another lesson (learning hopefully) - have to be patient and maintain cool head while shopping for the household items. Mercy always gives classes to me on being responsible enough for my age and also to understand the accept the fact that shopping does take time.
  3. Saw "Super Star Virgo", a luxury liner, operating from Singapore. Have struck a deal with Mercy, that after she starts earning, she should take me for a cruise. Lets see...
  4. Accompanied Mercy to the Chrch next door for the mid night mass. The proceeding at the church, is completely different from what I have seen at Chennai.
  5. New year was a low key affair. Was at home only. Slept around 23.30 hrs. Sree, Abhi should be somewhere aorund Orchard Road.
  6. Bonny to the church for mid night prayers.
  7. Mercy in India with her family.
Mercy is reaching back 2moro (1st Jan'05).

Think I have covered all the good/major/sad/what not... events, for 2004.



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