Friday, January 20

Gemini Daily Horoscope -

The Gift Of Independence,

You may be striving to act more independently today, but you might be encountering resistance from authority figures. If you are making an effort to strike out on your own today and feel that you are being held back, it may be that the people in your life are testing you to see if you are up for the challenge. You could consider using today to reflect on how you might approach the situation differently. Perhaps you can think about whether the actions you've taken illustrate that you are well-prepared to handle more responsibility. You could also consider how up front you've been with others about your intentions. Careful consideration may give you a better understanding of how you should proceed.

When we wish to claim greater independence, stepping into and fulfilling that role is often the best way to prove to ourselves that we are ready. Independence can be an exciting and scary experience. Often, just jumping into that space of autonomy and all that it entails is the best way to override fears about whether or not we are up to the task. Independence is as much a state of mind as it is a state of autonomy. While others may wonder if we are ready for this kind of self-reliance, inherent in being independent is relying on ourselves to make that decision. Own independence today, and you will find that others will honor your new state of freedom.
I really find this quite true, I am in the process of making a big career dicision and I am quite confused especially with all the comments from the people around me.

I have calculated and worked out some things that need to, so that I can think in a more rational manner and then evaluate how my life is gonna go...

God is powerful, but when he shows the options, its we who have to choose and then he guides us...

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