Tuesday, October 18

Happy B'day Sree

Sreevatsava turned 25 on Saturday, and trust me, we all actually forgot about this until I was on my bed on Friday night. We did not want to go there to his place with the cake, coz he stays in a house with about 9 other people.Anyway Mercy, Madhu, Pradeep and me met Sree at Cityhall in the evening and then it was fun for the next 2 hours or so.

The most notable thing here, was cutting of the cake, was on a road side bench, under the clear open sky opposite Cityhall Mall.
Pradeep as usual managed to get some of the pastry on his face, but we failed to do it on Pradeep, his reflex was faster than Sree and mine combined.

The dinner was at Pastamania and we had a wonderful dinner. It was closing time by the time we reached there and we had food without ac. Anyway, doesn’t matter without ac, as we had good fun.
Sree, at his house in Chennai

Sree – Happy Birthday and wishes for many more to come.

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